The particular cause of psoriasis is unknown, s is believed that multiple factors contribute to the condition. Changes in the immune system can lead to a rapid overgrowth of skin cells which build up on your skin’s surface.
Common areas you may find this are: the knees, elbows, lower back, and scalp, but can occur in other areas as well. The areas may tend to be uncomfortable, sore, and sometimes larger in area.
Often psoriasis can also cause discomfort in the patient’s joints and affect your total health and welfare.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Causes Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is usually thought to be both genetic and congenital. Which that means if you get it as a child, you will typically still have it in adulthood as well. It can run in families as well, so if members of your family have it you may also end up having it as well.
Psoriasis usually impacts the immune system and its role within your normal skin regeneration process. Psoriasis characteristics are triggered by extra production of skin cells which then pile up on your skin, causing the development of plaque.
This isn’t always continuous, though, since it seems certain things can trigger psoriasis flare-ups such as stress, etc. and those flare-ups are specific to each patient.
How Is Psoriasis Treated?
What we know now is that Psoriasis cannot be cured, and most will have it over their life’s entirety. But treatment for it includes mitigating symptoms and avoiding more flare-ups through different treatments as well as medications.
Generally, a mixture of therapies can be successful in lessening symptoms and treating plaque. These can include things like: topical medications like oral medications like methotrexate or biologics, corticosteroids, and even laser treatments.