A double chin can be one of the most frustrating areas to change because sometimes it isn’t about weight, it could be hereditary too. Kybella is an effective non-surgical option that requires typically just a few treatments.
Kybella is FDA-approved for the reduction of submental fat underneath the chin area through a series of injections.
The double chin can both be a family inheritance, or an area that typically does not respond to weight loss and is hard, if not impossible to tone, so can be frustrating to a lot of people to slim down.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does Kybella Work?
Kybella is a non-surgical option that when injected contains synthetic deoxycholic acid. This is an acid that is typically found in a person’s metabolic system that helps to break down any fat eaten. Kybella is injected in a marked grid pattern underneath the chin area, over a period of time it will destroy the fat cells there.
The results are a more defined, contoured jawline and chin area. Typically, Kybella is done as a series of treatments spaced one or more months apart, with people usually seeing improvement between two to four treatment sessions.
Kybella Maintenance
After treatment, it is typical to experience mild discomfort and redness at, or around, the injection site, with symptoms typically going away in a few days. Once desired results with Kybella are achieved, there’s little need for additional upkeep, as fat cells are no longer present under the chin area.
This means that you can no longer experience growth of fat cells underneath your chin, which is what contributes to the presence of fatty pockets.