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Melanoma Is a type of skin cancer you will hear a lot of times described as the most dangerous. It happens because of unchecked skin growths that often look like a mole or a freckle.

Melanoma occurs on the top layers of the skin but can continue into the lower layers and can spread to other areas of the body where the melanoma may become fatal.

For this purpose, it’s essential to find and treat them as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Melanoma?

UV light is what will cause melanoma to develop. The melanoma can happen on skin that doesn’t have a mole, or it can trigger a current mole to turn into one. In either situation the melanoma can be produced by regular sun exposure when one doesn’t use sunscreen and by exposure to artificial sun such as a tanning bed. Ultraviolet light causes harm to DNA cells, thus causing them to multiply as well as mutate.

There are many known risk factors for developing melanoma, the most frequent of which is regular UV exposure through sunlight or even tanning beds. Certain peoples’ skin type may be more susceptible to damage from sun exposure and sunburn, which can greatly increase the chance of developing melanomas— fair skin is most prone to melanomas, but all skin types and colors can be at risk.

Melanoma is also hereditary so if you have had a relative with it you have a greater risk of developing it as well. Also, in the past if you have ever had sunburns, you should be watchful about checking for melanomas. Equally, if you have a lot of moles, you should consistently check them for any changes even though having moles does not mean they are cancerous.

Melanoma Treatment

Treatment for Melanoma with Dr. Porter begins with figuring out whether the area is cancerous or is not. There are a variety of steps that can be taken next if it does indeed to have signs of cancer. Sometimes a biopsy will be performed, this means that a piece of it is removed and sent to a lab to be tested. The test determines if any cancerous activity is occurring and if it is how deeply it has gone into your skin. There are different stages considered according to depth as well as any possible other places it may have spread.

When everything has been determined, you will begin looking at the different options for treatment. The most frequent treatment for melanomas includes surgical removal where the affected area is. Melanoma that spread to lymph nodes or other parts may indeed require a more widespread plan, and Dr. Porter can advise you on your options.


The number one way to prevent skin cancers like Melanoma is to always use a broad-spectrum SPF. SPF should be used every time you go outside, and you should also reapply throughout the day. Pairing your sunscreen with protective clothing, sunglasses, and lip balm that contains a sun protective factor as well. You should also be mindful of anything like indoor tanning and tan beds which can also trigger skin cancers to develop.

Another critical piece is to regularly screen yourself. Checking skin from head to toe, keeping track of any new moles or any change in a mole’s appearance. Changes may suggest potential cancerous activity.

We always recommend keeping mind the ABCDE’s when it comes to moles:

Asymmetry – mole is unevenly shaped or discolored

Border – mole is unevenly shaped and has a border that is undefined of uneven

Color – mole is not uniform in color and uncommon shades like darkened, red, or white

Diameter – mole is bigger than that of a pencil eraser (this may not always hold accurate as some can be tinier. So always have your skin checked).

Evolving – mole changes with any of the above signs over time

Melanoma does not automatically show all these indications, usually showing just one or two. It’s vital to see Dr. Porter if you note any of these factors so that it can be handled early.