Main Office 321.308.0659

Kereen Crider

Kereen Crider

Office Administrator and Biologic Coordinator

Attended University of Central Florida where she studied Health Sciences with a Pre-Clinical Allied Track. Born in Indiana, since relocating to Florida, Kereen has been a pivotal manager at a few local businesses before coming to Porter Premiere Dermatology. She has now been at Porter Premiere Dermatology for seven years. Her background and administrative focus have truly been an asset to the practice.

Keeping the practice running like a finely tuned machine, Kereen is who manages both front of the practice and back of the house. Multitasking in this environment is never easy so you can tell when you see her don’t let her smile fool you into thinking the work, she does is effortless. It’s hard work and she is always on call.

Kereen also is the practice’s Biologic Coordinator, which involves walking patients through the process of accessing the biologic therapies that our providers prescribe. Her knowledge and expertise in this area allows patients to thrive on the biologic treatments prescribed by Dr. Porter and PA Staniec.

In her free time, anyone who knows her knows her dog Brady has her heart and soul, and free time is spent with him, or with her family. These two things make up her whole world and she is so dedicated to them. Kereen also is the Martha Stewart of the practice knowing each employee inside and out her thoughtfulness in making them feel seen is a gift she nurtures, and it shows through. If a Hallmark movie hasn’t been made about a Medical Office Administrator with a gift of heart like she has one should be.

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